onsdag 25 mars 2015


Right now I am standing in the middle of the crowd while we are waiting for Forrest Gump to tell us all about the war in Vietnam. The crowd are excited and are literally going crazy for what Mr. Gump is about to tell us.

(Forrest Gump starts talking)

Oh no! Suddenly his voice gets cut off and as I can see it's somebody from the crowd who switched off the microphone. I am sorry, I think I was a little bit mistaken it seems like somebody pulled out the wires that were connected to the microphone. Like you all can hear the crowd is not pleased when they aren't able to hear the voice of the American hero.

(The microphone turns on again and Forrest Gump says: "And that's all I have to say about that".)

The crowd is completely quiet and you can almost hear a needle fall. They didn't hear a word Mr. Gump said but it seems like they understand it all. I wish that people all around the world watching this right now could be here and experience the same unique feeling.

(Jenny screaming: "Forrest")

What is happening here! A young blonde girl is screaming and running towards Mr. Gump in the water. Mr. Gump starts running and they meet in the middle. Are we witnessing a new love appear? Can that be Mr. Gump's secret lover or girlfriend? Well I guess we will have to wait and see.

Thank you for watching, over to you Charles.

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