onsdag 25 februari 2015

Diskussion - tidningsartikel och reportage

  1.  Det kommer inte hjälpa alls eftersom folk kan använda sina nätverk hemma och de internet de har på sina mobiler. "Den som är med i leken får leken tåla".
  2. Argument från båda sidor. Samma uppdelning som stereotypiska tidningsartiklar har; rubrik, foton, brödtext, etc. 
  3. 1. Du får ABSOLUT INTE lägga ut någon personlig information om dig själv. 2. Inte prata med NÅGON främling över huvudtaget. 3. Inte köpa NÅGONTING alls på internet. 4. Inte skriva NÅGOT elakt till någon annan. 5. Inte visa dig själv.

  1. Föräldrarna måste ta mer ansvar. Inte låta internet få nå mindre barn.
  2. Reportaget är längre än tidningsartikeln men innehåller fortfarande ingress, brödtext och bilder, etc. Har en mer personlig stil än en nyhetsartikel och är baserad på aktuell händelse.  
  3. Tidningsartikeln tar upp nätmobbning ur olika personers perspektiv och ur synvinkeln från undersökningar. Den berättar och beskriver hur nätmobbningen har gått ner i åldrarna. Den tar upp nya forskningar. Dessa visar att det främst är unga flickor med negativ syn på sig själva som är mest drabbade. Reportaget berättar också att de har startat ett projekt för att minska detta markant. Ann Frisén är en psykologiprofessor vid Göteborgs universitetet. Det är hon som berättar om detta. Reportagets faktaruta berättar bland annat att hälften av Sveriges treåringar har börjat använda internet. År 1997 var det inte förrän åldersgruppen 15-åringar som hälften var internetanvändare. Mobbningen som sker på internet hänger ofta ihop med sådant som händer på skolgården.

Gruppmedlemmar: Agnes, Linn, Sonya, Amina och Jennipher

måndag 2 februari 2015

Bokcirkel - Branded - Engelska

Discussion leader: 
Red hat (emotions): How would you feel if you had found out that your brother/sister was a murderer and a rapist?  s. 9
White hat (facts): Who is the main character in the book? s. 13
Black hat (negative): How many years in prison should a killer get? 
Blue hat (thoughts): Why do you think somebody would kill anyone? Can think of any ”logic” reasons? 
Yellow hat (positive): What do you like about the book so far?

  1. Corpuscle - blodkropp/partikel
  2. Reluctance - Inre motvillighet
  3. Ghastly - kusligt, gräsligt
  4. Hereditary - ärftligt 
  5. Onset of adolescence - uppkomsten/starten av tonåren
  6. Shrug - axelryckning 
  7. Ingenuity - påhittighet
  8. Suss (suspect) - misstänka
  9. Shutters - fönsterluckor 
  10. Briskly - livligt, raskt 
  11. Dosh - pengar 
  12. He wants us in the bins - Han vill slänga/kasta oss i soporna (sammanhanget)
  13. Groin - ljumske 
  14. Tussles - kämpar/strider (sammanhanget) 
  15. Stance - hållning (sammanhanget position) 
  16. Squealing - sammanhanget tjalla 
  17. Snuffling - snörvlande 
  18. Recedes - dras tillbaka
  19. Nausea - illamående 
  20. Chuckle - småskratta/skrocka 
  • Can you throw your jeans in the bins they’re torn. 
  • I heard him snuffle while the bullies chuckled. He shrugged when I touched his shoulder and asked him if he was okay. He said that the bullies just wanted his dosh and that’s way they kicked him in the groin.
  • Can you go out and close the shutters?
  • I felt nauseous after I had spun in circles for 10 times in a row.
  • My skin color is hereditary because my parents were light-skinned.
  • I suss that you killed him and not your brother. 
  • Your ingenuity will be useful in the future.

Creative connecter: 

The connection I found between the world outside and the book is obviously that people can be wrongly accused for something they didn’t do. Maybe it's not so common, I don’t know but I think people who kill or rape others really need psychological help. I haven’t heard or experienced anything like murder or rape. Except that I have read about it in papers, seen it on TV and watched relatives to a murderer/rapist talk about how they feel. I'm referring to the scene when his family members found out that he was accused being a killer/rapist. I couldn't found any similarities between the book and my creative connection except that every family would be shocked and disappointed if they found out that their son is killer/rapist. Because I didn’t really have any connection their isn’t any similarities which means everything is different. 

Because the pages in the book didn't match up with our planning I had to summarize the whole book instead. Dale's older brother has been convicted of killing five women. The family are branded forever as relatives of a murderer are forcing them to move away. They have to change their name, start new lives and Dale changes his name to Glen. But (Dale/Glen) is afraid that he might become a monster like his brother. The story goes on and Dale gets one new friend while everybody else is against him. He tries his best to keep his secret hidden from the people around him. But suddenly his little world falls apart when he finds out about the class trip. Along with his class he will visit his old hometown. The consequences of the class trip will be worse than expected. Will he go or will he come up with an excuse? Will his new classmates find out his secret? Are his old classmates going to recognize him if he goes? What will their reaction be? Will his new friend forgive him if he finds out the truth? Should Dale tell the truth before it’s too late? He’s scared and confused, what should he do and what results vill his actions lead to?